The company
The website is published and operated by SARL NICHETOO.NET, whose registered office is located at 34-36 rue Augustin Fresnel, 37170 Chambray-Les-Tours, France ; registered with RCS TOURS under number 449403773.
Share capital: € 38,250
VAT number INTRACOMMUNAUTAIRE: FR4644910377300046
Legal representative: Mr Lerède Christophe, manager.
For any information or question, our customer service is open:
Monday to Saturday from 08:30 to 18:00
You can contact us :
- by phone: +
- by email :
- by mail : SARL NICHETOO.NET / L'UNIVERS DE L'HOMME, 34-36 rue Augustin Fresnel, 37170 Chambray les Tours
Intellectual Property & Trademarks
The site luniversdelhomme and all that it contains, trademarks or any components or trade secrets and other proprietary rights, images, registered or not, names or services belonging to luniversdelhomme or other entities, are protected by copyright under intellectual roperty. lpuniversdelhomme respects intellectual property rights and asks its users to do the same. Only the use for private use is allowed. Any total or partial reproduction of the site luniversdelhomme is strictly prohibited, unless previously agreed.
Hosting su site luniversdelhomme is provided by:
34-36 Augustin Fresnel Street
37170 Chambray-Les-Tours
privacy policy
luniversdelhomme complies with the European and French standards for the protection of privacy and personal data and has been the subject of a declaration to the French authority for the protection of personal data (the National Commission for Informatics and Data Protection). Libertés - CNIL) under the number 1647344v0
In accordance with the law of January 6, 1978, the user has a right to access, rectify, modify and delete data concerning him. The user can expressly oppose the disclosure of his contact details. For this, it suffices for him to report it by writing to luniversdelhomme, 34-36 rue Augustin Fresnel, 37170 Chambray-Les-Tours.
luniversdelhomme is committed to respecting and protecting your privacy. Our team strives to maintain high standards of privacy for the users of the site.
Personal information about you may be collected by luniversdelhomme when:
- you create an account
- you subscribe to newsletters or alerts proposed by luniversdelhomme
- you place an order on the site
- you contact our Customer Service
- you are browsing the site
- you write a comment about a product
- you're sharing a product listing or comment by sending an email from a product listing
- you share a form or comment via Facebook, twitter, Google + from an article card.
The information collected about you is solely intended to offer you different services or to provide you with personalized and relevant information. Every precaution has been taken to archive this information in a secure environment. Only some of our employees have access to this information, which is only available to them when needed. They are never shared with third parties, nor sold or exchanged without your consent.
You can manage its information directly from the "my account" section of luniversdelhomme
Participation in the operation «Comment on L'Univers de l'Homme - Write a review on products»
Your purchase on luniversdelhomme offers you the opportunity to participate in the "Write your opinion ..." organized by the company NET REVIEWS which publishes the website .
Through a satisfaction questionnaire whose purpose is to measure the quality of service provided to you throughout your purchase, you will be able to share your personal experience and share it with the Internet community. on the website .
These questionnaires are likely to be sent to you by the company NET REVIEWS or by luniversdelhomme by email or via the appearance of a pop-up window following your purchase.
The information collected in this questionnaire is the subject of an automated data processing whose responsible is the company NET REVIEWS.
Partial answers or no answer to this satisfaction questionnaire have no impact on the progress of your order and its processing.
The company NET REVIEWS and luniversdelhomme are the addressees of the nominative data collected within these questionnaires of satisfaction.
Non-nominative data will be used by NET REVIEWS in accordance with the regulations in force and in particular the one relating to the protection of personal data.
In accordance with the Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978 you have, at any time, a right of access, rectification, and opposition to all of your personal data. For any questions or clarification regarding the collection, processing or protection of your Personal Data, you may contact NET REVIEWS:
- By telephone at the following numbers: or +33 4.
- By email to the following address:
- By mail to the following address: 18-20 Avenue Robert Schuman CS 40494 13002 Marseille
The privacy policy of the company NET REVIEWS as well as the process of collecting notices is explained on the page: